Sep 4, 2022, 7:00 PM

Security is in your hands

Security is in your hands

Last week, a Telegram account of one of our users was hacked, causing the user to lose a moderate amount of TON coins from his wallet.

Of course, we immediately investigated and discovered that this was only an isolated incident. All the TONPAY systems are safe.

After talking with the user and helping him to check his Telegram account, we've confirmed that the user wasn't implementing any security measures available in Telegram, like the Two-Step Verification and Local Passcode. This negligence allowed the hacker to crack this user's password and log in to his account to steal the funds from the associated wallet.

We at TONPAY are doing everything possible to make our users' assets as secure as possible. However, we rely on Telegram for security and authentication. This effectively makes your TONPAY wallet as secure as your Telegram account.

To make your Telegram account more secure, please do the following:

  1. Go to "Settings" » "Privacy and Security" » "Devices/Active Sessions" and disable all the sessions that look suspicious to you or are no longer needed.

  2. Go to "Settings" » "Privacy and Security" » "Two Step Verification" and configure a second authentication factor.

  3. Go to "Settings" » "Privacy and Security" » "Passcode Lock/Local Passcode" and configure a passcode to lock your Telegram application locally.

These simple measures will significantly help protect your Telegram account and your TONPAY wallet.

Stay safe, and remember that security is in your own hands!
